Software Leasing

The capabilities of business software have grown remarkably in the past several years. Functionality that was available only to large corporations has made its way to small and medium-sized businesses. Despite this availability, paying for a robust system can often be a barrier for smaller organizations.

Their cost may be tens of thousands of dollars, compared with millions for large-scale enterprises. But with margins so much tighter for smaller businesses today, acquiring this system without burdening resources is essential. You may be surprised to learn that business software can be leased just like equipment. Mid Continent Capital (MCC) has the experience to help you get the system capabilities you need, with terms that will benefit your business operations.

• Improve cash flow management with flexible, affordable monthly payments, and preserve credit lines for other needs
• Lease software, as well, as services like training and installation
• All types of software can be leased, accounting, business management, inventory/supply chain, customer retention, design & manufacturing
• Check out the tax advantages to your business by leasing and not purchasing, including a 100% write-off

MCC helps businesses across the country grow and remain competitive through leasing. Contact us to see how we can help you optimize your cash flow and profitability for your business.

Contact Mid Continent Capital for Equipment Lease Financing Today!
(P) 913-789-9977 
(F) 913-789-8899 