Why Lease

Why Lease?
• Conserve capital - leasing enables you to direct capital to the highest profit centers of your business.

• Preserve credit lines - present lines of credit can be left open to meet other needs of your business. Unlike bank loans, leasing does not require compensating balances.

• Facilitate budgeting - small monthly rental, made out of pre-tax income, may be squeezed into a tight budget.

• Avoid obsolescence - leasing makes it easy to upgrade your equipment, eliminating inefficiencies and keeping your business ahead of the competition.

• Pay Its own way - leasing allows you to pay for the equipment as you use it to generate income.

• Leasing is 100% financing - unlike loans, leasing usually requires only one or two advance payments.

• Avoid loan covenants - bank loans may have “loan covenants” that can prevent you from getting a new loan. We strive to keep those restrictions to a minimum, and keep the approval process simple.

Contact Mid Continent Capital for Equipment Lease Financing Today!
(P) 913-789-9977 
(F) 913-789-9988
Email: credit@midcontinentcaptial.com